Monday, June 22, 2015

LeaderShape Experience

About a month ago I went to LeaderShape as a participant. I signed up for it pretty early, but I was worried sick for what I might run into in an activity that was totally new for me. Everyone who had experience told me to relax, “Just go, it’s great.” Carrying my worries and excitement, there I went.

I met a friend in one info session of LeaderShape so we agreed to “stick together” during that week. However, we got split up on step one—we were not in same dorm. I was afraid I didn’t have much to say or share with my roommates so my friend and I went to staff Sarah and asking for exchange. Sarah said to us this “random” assignment of roommates was actually strategic so there was no room for negotiation. That was when I realized this was time for me to step out of my comfort zone.

The first day was very tiring because I can’t go to sleep so I ended up getting up early. When I lay on bed I couldn’t get rid of the thought that this could be my milestone of life, which turned out to be true. Everyday was filled with knowledge and busy arrangements, everyone including coordinators were all experiencing “sleeping deprivation”. I was starting to be fonder of my pillows, but everyday when I woke up thinking about how exciting I will become since there was still so much to learn, and eat!

Trey, a strong and tough woman, ignited us to learn how to understand leadership, how to use what we have known into real life scenario. I played a few games which really test our community as LeaderShape participants in “difficult situations”. I met my “high five buddy” there and we shared our thoughts, daily life, personal interests and even our dreams for entire week. I joined a family cluster for deep thoughts sharing, perspective exchanging, and life stories. I had a new motto echoing theme of LeaderShape, “Now that you know better, do better.”

What really caught me was my family cluster. Family clusters were designed as a form of “discussion group” but at same time much more than that. Our group shared our life stories which really gave me a new idea about how others were living even though we were all students in U of M. Telling stories really brought us closer and it really provides us a more open space for discussing topics, or just talking things. Our group had so much selfies when we were in LeadersShape community. We even cried at the night before departure. After our session we set up email group and Facebook group where we share life experience almost everyday because we really missed each other. We’ll have a reunion when we all got back to Ann Arbor.

If anyone asks me about how was it when in LeaderShape I would definitely answered, “Just go, it’s great”. What’s more attractive? I gained weight for 10 pounds even if there was no relaxing moment. Because the food in LeaderShape was the champion of the best!

Kun Zhao
Summer Orientation Peer Advisor
M.A: Sport Management

Country of Origin: China

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