Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Let's Work Out Together!

Welcome to UofM, all newbies! As you embark on this new chapter of your life, it's essential to focus not only on academic success but also on your overall well-being. Work-out can be a fantastic way to stay healthy, make new friends, and enhance your university experience! So here are some good starting points!

  1. Group-X Class (Group Fitness)

Starting university in a foreign country can be both exhilarating and daunting. Working out together provides an excellent opportunity to break the ice and form meaningful connections with your fellow students. Joining group fitness classes and sharing the experience of exercise fosters a sense of camaraderie, making it easier to build friendships that will last throughout your academic journey! 

As a Zumba Instructor and lover myself, I met so many good and passionate people in the class and they are always there cheering me on and supporting me. This might be the very start of your new friendships in U-M!

Below is me with my students at the end of Zumba class. Do you see everyone with a big, big smile! There are so many options other than Zumba and don’t be afraid to try them out, especially when Rec Sports provides FREE classes in the first two weeks of the semester :)

  1. Personal Training

When you move to this part, there must be someone asking what about I am so shy and I feel uncomfortable working out with a group of strangers? Good news for all of you like that! Do you know we offer personal training and have a student discount for that  on campus? Personal training offers a one-on-one approach tailored to your specific fitness needs and goals. With a personal trainer by your side, you'll receive individualized attention, guidance, and support throughout your fitness journey. Your trainer will take into account your fitness level, preferences, and any concerns you may have, creating a personalized workout plan that suits you perfectly. Hope you will enjoy the ‘private’ work out!

There are numerous reasons to embrace fitness during this exciting time. So, let the journey begin and hope all of you can add some new ‘flavor’ to your U-M life!

Written by Yizhuo (Cary) Li

Summer Orientation Peer Advisor

Graduate Student


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